Important Web Design Principles You Should Consider

· Web Design


Website designers must follow web design principles tocreate better websites. A lot of people are visiting many websites for variousreasons. 

The designs of the website decide the success of yourwebsite. You must be very careful about the design of your website. If thewebsite is missing even a small factor, that may lead to losing your customersand brand reputation. 

The website not only needs to look good but also functionwell. Therefore, the designer should also think about the working of thewebsite. The web designers in Kochi, Ernakulam, freelancewebdesigner

web design principles

List of Top Web Design Principles

See some of the good website design principles which canhelp you create a successful website. 

1. Website Purpose 

The main thing while creating a website is that the websiteshould fulfill the needs of site users. Before creating a website, you shouldtalk to the client to understand their business goals. This will help your design each page with a clear purpose. 

The web designing company in Dubai called Alcobyte is providing creates tailored solutions to clients by studying the client’s needs. 

website design principles

2. Simplicity 

The web design should be very minimal. Adding so manyelements to the website will only distract the users from the core purpose ofthe website or web page. Also, the minimal design having websites are easy tonavigate. 

So making the website simpler is the most effective way. One of the leading web design companies in India, built manywebsites with simpler designs. 

3. Consistency 

The design of a website should be consistent throughout thewebsite. This means the elements on the website like fonts, font sizes,buttons, colors, headings, subheadings, etc., should match one another. 

You can visit the website of Zealoteck, the web designcompany in Calicut, Kerala, to see the consistency of the pages. 

good web design principles

4. Easy Navigation 

It is one of the important web designing principles. Thesite visitors will spend more time on a website that has easy navigation. Youmust follow the three-click rule which says the user must get the required information from the site in just 3 clicks. 

For having good navigation, you must create a logical pagehierarchy using breadcrumbs and clickable buttons. 

5. Mobile Compatibility 

Mobile technologies are growing fast. More people are usingsmartphones to access the internet. Therefore, you should make sure the websiteis compatible with mobile devices. 

The website design company in Kochi, is great at creating responsive web design services. See those websites to havemore ideas about responsive websites. 

basic web design principles

6. Enhanced Loading Speed

Customers hate when a website takes more time to load. This hate can lead to losing customers or in other words increase your bounce rate. To avoid this the website should have a faster-loading speed. Faster websites can get higher search engine rankings.

SEO company in India rank pointer provides website redesign services to make the website faster by optimizing the image size and other on-page SEO factors.

web design tips

7. Communication

Everything you are doing to create a better design is for giving the information clients looking for on your website. So, you should organize the information on the site by using headlines, sub-headlines, bullet points, etc. rather than placing long paragraphs.

Content management systems like WordPress let you organize the content more easily than others., WordPress development company in India using WP. You can use the plugins and themes offered by WP to arrange the elements and content on the website.

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8. Color Palette and Imagery

The best choices of colors will be perfectly suitable for the nature of clients’ business. A good combination of colors, images, and graphics will help to boost brand recognition. Use only a few colors and images on a web page. The outsource web design company, Outsourcingserviceonline uses these types of top web design principles in their website designs to perfectly reflect the brand design.

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9. Typography and Readability

The text elements on the website will have a huge role in the success of the website. The fonts used on the website should look good, readable for users, along with the major elements. Use appropriate fonts for design elements like headings, body, buttons, etc. One of the leading web development companies in India named uses the ideal typefaces for each website.

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What Are the Benefits of Following the Web Design Principles? 

  • Following the web design principles will improve userexperience 
  • Increase in traffic from mobile users 
  • Reduce bounce rate 
  • Better website loading speed 
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Important Web Design Principles You Should Consider – In a Nutshell

The website design principles will give your website astunning look. This will provide a better user experience to the site visitors.You can use this to attract more people to your website. 


Author Bio

This article is written by a web designer working at He helps beginners in the web design field with expert web design tips.